Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 06:38 PM
TheO has recently developed birthday issues. Any birthday party he attends, even his mothers, he will inevitably claim, at the top of his voice 'My Birthday!' He normally saves it for when the cake is making it's grand entrance with lighted candles. Small children pause to sing Happy Birthday, only then will the little lad pipe up with his fake claim. Even worse, he has been known to do the whole thing with his Maltese accent. It's horrifying! I'm convinced it's because we made such a poor effort for his 2nd.
The little lad wonders where Nana's clothes have gone
Even if Eliza's party was slightly marred, the good lady was smart enough to drop him with the outlaws for her birthday weekend, allowing a quick break at The Excelsior Hotel in Valletta. Capitalising on the use of the late check out and a massive pool, TheO and all turned out for a memorable days burning by the hotel pool! The boys confidence with swimming is exceptional. The little lad now enjoys 'jumping in' and 'pushing in' his Ma & Pa. He has even 'gone underwater' His jumping has even grown to encompass 'dry' jumping, and by that, I don't mean with the Cheerleaders! He is a keen regular at the Trampolining centre on the seafront, and yes, it is quite safe!!

TheO as Tigger