My name is... 
Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 09:06 AM
I can only blame the large void of space between this and the last entry on demanding family! Working from home seems to have it's disadvantages and thrusts unrequested roles that, if I had the money, I would pay somebody else to do. TheO & Louyn have become a formidable entity. Together they have created the roles for me (that I don't have the money to pay someone to do) of redecorator, gadget electrician, stuffed toy ('sleep with me daddy!') Mr. Kipling , space rocket and climbing frame. Such are the joys! The household has also welcomed in two Kittens. Ash (as in Ash Ketchum) and Spot are 5 & 6 weeks and are currently shredding the Sofa and carpet, choosing to ignore toy mice, scratch poles and tinsel! They have however made full use of the litter tray!

TheO is now coming to the end of the first term at school. His travels to class on the private bus have educated him in single finger hand gestures and the prolific work of Slim Shady. It really good to know that he gets a broad education!! Growing ever faster and turning into quite the young man. He is already showing the subtle signs of rock stardom. Currently demanding the entire range of Lego Hero Factory Villains and Heroes and awaiting deliveries from Santa. Very excited to be spending the holidays in the UK visiting 'Mum.'


TheO models for the next 'gig'

Louyn persists still with long conversations that nobody really understands. Seems to understand much of what is going on, but maintains his legible embargo! Massively into The Wigglels, performing all the actions and gestures but a little afraid of the Octopus! We have worked out that his shouting is merely the mimicking of Donald Duck. Well that's alright then! Luckily the outlaws didn't have Goofy cartoons! Perhaps some high end BBC dramas are necessary to rectify this!

Speech on the slide...


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