The Lull Before The Storm 
Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 03:41 PM
Golly! It's week 37 and all is well. I got back from London and slept for two days. This was of course nothing to do with other, outside influences as detailed below. More the effort of getting up early enough to get a flight from Gatwick. A real palaver, see below.

The good woman is in fine fettle. However, there are a few complaints of 'Carpal Tunnel Syndrome' This is something to do with dropping things and not wearing your wedding ring. There was a time where not wearing my wedding ring presented itself as an adventure. However it can cause a sudden, blinding flash of pain, rather similar I imagine to this Carpal thing or even a punch to the Solar Plexus. Best avoided. Anyway, this syndrome and the slight problem that she can't bend over, has got me on the my knees 24/7. On the bright-side, I can keep any coins I find whilst I'm down there.

As things are getting to a stage where we can't really go out, Mr Collins has supplied me with a constant stream of DVD's from the 'market' These go down very well until one realises that Piracy is SO wrong. None of them play on the Macintosh. I have strongly put my case to the pirates and they said they will try to do better. Arrrrr.

The young one his doing his best 'Alien' impression, moving beneth the surface and causing 'tummy ripples' It seems to be getting a bit tight on space inside there. The mother in-law keeps making the case for an early delivery. Like, thats all I need, I havn't even wrapped my presents yet!!

A 36 week scan, obviously!


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