Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 02:01 PM
Just managed to score a quick breather. So the fun and games kicked off on Sunday morning at about 8.00am. Fantastic. My last sleep in too! This was also an arranged last hangover too! The good lady complains of 'strange' things happening, 'odd' feelings! I put on my Deerstalker and conclude that, indeed, there are strange things occurring and I go back to bed.Lunch is taken up by a visit by the departing Australian contingent of the wife's family who are departing for a brief spell in Cornwall before returning to Perth. Things go well and but I burn Isabel's Pizza's! But MY Lasagne? Well, that was excellent. Despite my obvious culinary pride, I am keeping a close eye on my fake Cartier and the good lady's grimacing face. Roughly every 25 minutes. At 3pm the Ausssies leave with a content look and the words 'wouldn't it be funny if ….' We didn't tell them.!
Three hours pass and the grimacing continues. I try to ignore that the word(s) of the day is 'major discomfort' We finally leave for Hospital in Zabbar at 9.00pm. The Midwife the Surgeon and anyone else who fancies turning up will meet us there!
This would not be a great time for a major storm. But it starts regardless of my situation. I drive at 40 – 45 KMPH through torrential rain and potholes, arriving at the Hospital at 10. Isabel is doing remarkably well. Up to the Birthing 'suite' and we are all well on our way.
At 1.22 am Monday morning Theo is born, He arrives into the world via the birthing pool, delivered by Mister John Mamo MB, ChB, FRCOG. Isabel fantastic, No Gas & Air (I wanted to try this!), no Pethadine (I wanted to try this too!), no Epidural (so, i'm not fussy!!) nothing!! He is perfect in everyway. He wakes only to say hello and then sleep again.
Both Isabel and I are now back home and getting to know Theo. However he doesn't seem to be making too much of an effort as he always asleep or ravaging my wife!! We love him!!

The Three of us, Theo's the small one, er, the one in the car seat!!