60 secounds and counting 
Friday, March 24, 2006, 01:53 PM
I am told that the best advice should be taken by example, and thus I have taken TheO's example of Apnea. This is the art of breath holding, something he has proved adept at, particularly when in an uncomfortable situation. I have purchased some fins of a necessary length, vital in this sport, and am preparing myself to go 'Underwater on a single breath' as Umberto Pelizzari refers to it. The good lady remarked I should stay there. Her sense of humour is really improving, despite informing me that most of what I do and say is 'really NOT funny”

TheO is now 12 weeks old. He has started to smile and giggle, proving that I can make someone laugh at least. He seems to be slipping into a routine, although this does involve much pandering to his every need, I think this is the real reason I have taken to the exploring the sea-bed.

TheO prior to entering HIS sea bed, or should that be cot?


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