Guess who's back 
Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 11:14 AM
After a whirlwind tour of 'back home' we have returned to a Malta heatwave. temperatures in the 30's and the air conditioning in the car bust. The good lady has taken to wrapping the youngster in damp towels to keep his temperature stable, perhaps this is an early indication that he's going to be a pilot, or something.

It was thought that this whirlwind would be a disaster of screaming baby, no sleep, panic attacks when nearing Boots and colds all-round. But it was not to be. TheO had a fantastic time meeting people, laughing and looking at girls, and by this I mean he met a lot of his mummies pals!

We were only gone a few weeks yet TheO seems to have grown so much. He is now really smiley and laughs out loud a lot. Every day he seems to be different, just a little bit. We have taken to giving him a bottle at bedtime, this has ensured he sleeps really well, but, wow, what do they put in that stuff!!

TheO the Towel Head, back in temperatures of 30 degrees C


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