Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 12:14 PM
'It seems to be getting hotter, even hotter than it was yesterday!' I am starting to say this to myself on a daily basis now. The air conditioning in the car has still to be fixed and i've lost my sense of humour. Franco, the AC man who is attempting to fix it, just shrugs his shoulders at me, I turn away as a full face 'ha' has now started to get me down. Last weekend we had a 'family' holiday to Sicily where you can buy Heinz Ketchup without a problem. The good lady and I had been married 5 years on the 9th June and TheO shared the same same day with his 5th month birthday, strange coincidence! We did some driving around and TheO managed to visit all the major sights without any 'Etna' like explosions, except at the expected hours of course. We also experienced the rain here, it's torrential and unrelenting. It does not however create any caution when driving a car.

So safe and sound back in Malta where everyone is an England fan. The World Cup kicked off, and with each England game, there was a serious case of ' Carcading' This involves the intelligentsia of Malta driving worse than normal through busy small streets with horns on and the Union Jack blowing (I thought England was playing?) TheO just takes it all in his stride. During the Sweeden game, a Maltese/ England fan evacuated his air horn, unlike his daddy, TheO just smiled. How patient.

A patient TheO at 5 months, exploding only after mealtimes..

A local fan, in a Lorry, driving through busy streets with his horn blowing. Safe!