Thursday, July 13, 2006, 10:26 AM
TheO has a cold. It's the middle of summer and he develops the typically British symptoms of a sore throat, sneezing, and a cough. The big plans for his 6 month photograph have been dashed on a sea of mucus with a strong south westerly spray. The root of his influenza lies with his mother, of course.Despite this all this, the little chap remains in high spirits, perhaps it's the Benlyin! No matter, we have just started to venture out of the house again where we are set upon by purveyors of time share contracts. 'hello' they say, 'are you English?' No matter what you say, it will not dampen their persistence. I have taken to drinking large quantities of TheO's Benolin and sounding Greek, it seems to work, and I breathe so much easier.
TheO seems to be expanding in all directions. His weight is up, his height is up and he now he sits up (see below!) The good lady has taken to turning the flat into a nursery, I am now injuring myself on baby toys, a whole new world of 'maimings' await me!!

Not sneezing so much, but still sniffing.