So there I was, surrounded by Shark's…. 
Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 09:10 PM
I was just sitting there minding my own business and, wow, now it's September, and midway too! 'The Family” as the good lady likes to call us, has had a hectic few weeks. We visited the homeland to have another party for TheO, show him off to my parents, and confirm name, rank and number. This was done on August 27th at Saint Marthas-on-the-Hill by the Rev Jeremy Whittaker. TheO's response to the surroundings was to blow raspberries and gurgle loudly. It was however a great excuse to pull together a few fantastic people and consume heaps of Pim's and gallons of Cava, all on a prefect sunny day!

It was good to get back to normality and the newly painted flat. However, day one the Air Con in the car goes, day two, the exaust on the car goes, day three we're back to the thunderstorms and flash floods. I have returned with renewed patience and wonder how long it will last!!

TheO ask's, 'was that you?”


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