Thursday, November 9, 2006, 01:43 PM
After a quick jaunt back to Blighty to see an old chum hitched, we return yet again to brilliant sunshine and warm seas. TheO is back in his element despite having made some very good friends with my past at the wedding. We have taken him to his kindergarten, and he is now slowly recovering from the massive bout of Flu he caught there. I plan to send him next time in a disposable paper boiler suit and a facemask full of Vicks but fear he may stray to some 80's Rave sure to be close by.One of the many missions whilst in the UK was to ship over a Gearbox for the car and other personal effects. Quite why we packed our entire photograph collection I will never know. The car parts have now been delivered and we look forward to a car that works with a recent fresh paint job!! (and new bonnet, wing, bumper, door etc etc) This is due to a slight oversight by a local driver. If you have ever driven in Malta, you will know what I'm talking about.
Despite his cold, TheO remains in high spirits. He has been checked over by his Pediatrician and we're told his figures are all up, up, up! He remains one of the happiest babies I know, attracting the attention of old ladies from 50 yards. I am trying to teach him to be more discerning when it comes to age, ahem.

TheO after his Vitamin C, & I thought is was an apple a day...