Thursday, November 30, 2006, 09:03 PM
I think I have just about managed to get back to normal, if that's possible. I spent most of the time at CHOGM awake. The small print in the contract contained words like 'nights' and '12 hours' After a number of these 19.30 - 07.30 shifts, I managed to limp home, only to have the good lady recount her umbilical (?) movements, and then insist I take her shopping. Three nights, no sleep, I started to feel a bit like God. At work I would call all my co-workers 'my son' They just thought It was I was from London. Secretly, online, I was searching for a turquoise shell suit. Last Night we went to see a Doula. These are ladies who assist in births. I was a little reluctant to go, fearing crystals and a flat smelling of cats, but she was very nice, made me a cup of tea, and then went through the whole birth process and told us what to expect. She said she would like to attend the birth and I thought about selling her a ticket. I wonder if SKY would want the TV rights….

@ 32 weeks and growing, spot the space hopper!