Swingers and Roundabouts 
Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 02:33 PM
A simple title like this can provoke the most extreme feelings. On the one hand TheO has become quite a fan of the local swings. Sunday morning has now become swing time, although I always have to explain to the good lady precisely what I mean. This avoids any misunderstanding. They also have a roundabout, but I haven't got anything funny to say about these. The more grown up version that involve cars are fairly funny as they could be alien structures as far as the locals are concerned. They approach with caution, stop, fail to indicate anything, then drive whether its safe to do so or not, right of way long gone, at great speed.

We are all looking forward to Christmas, particularly as it involve a trip back to the UK to see friends & family. I have invested heavily in bearskins, oilskins and any other skins that I may have. I am not sure how the young man will take to sub-zero conditions. Despite leaving, I have been instructed to decorate the residence with plastic Santa's, plastic Ruldof's and plastic Snowmen. A bit too much plastic on my plastic so I bought some festive VSOP Brandy instead. Much more satisfying!! hic.

TheO the Swinger, never TOO many swingers, thats for sure...


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