Wednesday, April 11, 2007, 06:38 PM
This whole thing is like a cross country race that never finishes, I'm always knackered and there really are not too many (any) chances to lie in, sit around, look at the wall or plan a decent night out at the pub (there are only bars). The temperature has started to rise over here as have the increased frequency of tourists from Yorkshire in their sixties and Dutch people who look as if they regret deciding on that 3 star in Buggiba instead of the all inclusive in Thailand. The look of regret eh! Ha.Regardless. With the little lads progression from static to moving object, both the good lady and I are on constant eye patrol. The Easter break was spent taking the young man to all the local customary festivitiies and chain pulling that makes this such a joyous time. We managed Sunday lunch in an exquisite neck of the woods, surrounded by fantastic yachts and restaurants, but the prodigal son just wants to climb stairs and shout at people, in a friendly way of course. More wine waiter…

Just what was needed, lots of chocolate for Theo….