Monday, March 2, 2009, 04:06 PM
Having been back only a few weeks, life has returned to normal for the young man. Gone is the excitement of cousins, sand in the eyes and snowballs, Things have indeed calmed down. Not for the rest of us however! We are now nearly six months down the line with the good ladies bump. TheO has named this unborn bump Whitby for some reason! I can only assume a fishfingers packet is to blame. None the less, with Whitby's imminent arrival, the lady of the household has started getting a bit clucky! Changes are afoot! I have been instructed to create more room in the existing space and prepare the recent purchase in the next eight weeks! Of course it has to be complete with Italian designer kitchen and inside toilet!Number two has signalled the advent of yet more responsibility! Is that possible? If anything, I have discovered that after having number one, the wine bill from Lidel went through the roof along with my ability to make the right palatable decision! Flicking through previous entries has done little to prepare for what lies ahead. The Sicilian Syrah is none too bad though, and it's on offer, might as well get a case eh!!
TheO cops a snowball! on Guildford grounds...