Friday, January 5, 2007, 11:12 AM
That was quick. Despite Christmas apparently being a period for joy, rest and catching up with friends and family, we are now back in Malta after a ten day blur. This was not drink related. It was TheO's first Christmas, and one in England. The run up to Christmas had seen the little man staring at flashing lights which are all over Malta, humming along to 'tinny' electronic renditions of 'Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer' and enjoying all the 'Kitsch' Christmas stuff available. Thankfully we had flights to escape to England!The good lady managed to get a few days in shopping, but the real joy was for TheO to meet up with his Grandma, Cousins, Aunties, Uncles and even a Great Aunty. However this basically meant small children running around madly, E'd up to the nines (Food 'E' numbers I'm talking about!) Christmas Day was an education in the ritual of present opening, children first! If you can, detach yourself and just sit back and watch their little faces. Bonkers!
Back in Malta for New Year. Where was Elvis? Very sedate this year, we did make it out, and the little lad even woke up to to moan the new year in! His first Birthday is now only few days away (9/1/06) and the good lady is planning a surprise party. Tea and cakes all round!

The Good Lady & TheO, neither apparently 'off their rocker'