Thursday, October 2, 2008, 11:31 AM
With the week in Gozo now behind us, The little lad can now only reflect on the highlights. He will certainly miss the temporarily adopted cat, the hammock in the courtyard and the chilly, but clean swimming pool! Naming the residence 'Pete Pan's House' we have now been told by the youngster to save up and buy one!Despite TheO being 'cool' with mum, he demanded he fly back to England with the matriarch, insisting that he would miss neither of his parents! The woe's of disappointment still echo the departure halls at Luqa.
As one would imagine, being able to swim can often come in handy, particularly on an island in the Mediterranean. The good lady has thus enlisted him in a 'Learn to Swim' course at a local pool. The little lad did very well! Jumping in, going underwater, spurting jets of water at his instructor. We were indeed proud. I am told there are plans for a visit to a bigger island. However it's on a need to know basis and I only have to pay for it.
Currently watching Rory, the Racing Car and a sudden interest in Winnie the Pooh.

With a little practice, I'm sure there is no Ocean that can't be crossed!