Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 02:32 PM
Just a little hectic. I just want to know how normal people manage! It would seem to TheO and his younger sibling that their 'log' has been neglected somewhat. Attempting to detail the day to day adventures of these two major clients, is proving very demanding indeed. On top of this, they expect me to work full days, nights and weekends, even public holidays! It's proving very hard to get a day off. The pressure could turn a lesser man to drink, er, or to eat a lot...
TheO finds a Dragon! Thats a Cameleon to you and me...
Christmas went very well. The first born managed to intimidate us enough to get more or less exactly what he wanted. The recent addition was too small to demand anything other than a fresh nappy and a bottle of milk, which I really did appreciate. The good lady however did insist on a some battery operated toys that for the life of me, can not be switched off. The toy industry has turned to 'sensors' and only a motionless dark cupboard soothes the tinnitus. (I mean for the toys!)

Santa Boys on location!
New year and all the celebration that staying in with two sick children can muster, led us all to the forth annual birthday of TheO. Having planned it all year in his head, the little lad celebrated at the 'Orange Tree Hall' in the locality of the new house, with 20 - 30 of his superhero friends. Having elected to 'do this thing' ourselves, a fair job was completed with multi - media, a Flash Cake that caused me kittens, and a pile of birthday presents that required a truck for delivery. Now, about moving house....

The Flash on his birthday!!, with very slight adjustment...