Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 01:54 PM
After two weeks of cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, sticky brown parcel tape, shipping deals, shipping boxes, Stella in an unhealthy quantity, a rapidly increasing weight problem, it's done.We finally handed over the keys to 8b Heber road after refusing to throw anything away, and dumping Mrs F with possibly the entire contents of four Oxfam shops. This is my last day in London for a while (see below) and the good ladies last for a while. Talking of the better half, it's now into week 25, and she is a bit like an old wooden ship. Creaking. Groaning. Slowly taking on board the new cargo. 'I donna know if she can take it' I think Scotty once said. How true.
Flight out Wednesday noon! More baggage than, well, a baggage shop, and armed with Waitrose dried mango pieces, just in case there's a craving. BIG respect to Keith and Dave. Would have gone totally insane without you!!
A lady packing... ahem
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