Make hay whilst the sun shines 
Saturday, December 3, 2005, 06:26 PM
Its Saturday. More to the point, it's past six o'clock and I'm sober. Last night we 'stayed in' This was quite strange for me to 'stay in' on a Friday night and one that merit's an entry. Time slid slowly by, 8, 9, 10 and I started to twitch. I thought that we would go out at twelve but I was instructed to put my spandex pants back in the wardrobe and forget going anywhere. 'It just isn't going to happen', I'm told! Well that was last night. Surely this staying in thing can't happen twice in a row!! I've mentioned going out for dinner and I'll pay. This was taken up quite sharpish. It has yet to be realised that I have a booking for two at 'Southern Fried Chicken' which is coincidently next to a establishment that plays loud music and dispenses a famous Belgian lager. And they said my life would change beyond all recognition, ha.

The good lady is now quite large(r). I really feel for her as she lugs an extra 9KG, and counting, around with her. I'm not quite sure she knows which lump to shake at the chicken shop I fear. We will be entering week 34 on Monday. Does the 34 indicate the dress size I wonder?

A Brewery In Belgium, apparently!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 04:09 PM
I shock myself every now and again. It's amazing to watch the nearest and dearest slowly but surely expand. The offspring, as yet unborn, is now 32 weeks old and weighs in at 2.5 kg. Still with long leg bones. I am reminded of this on a regular basis now, so whatever Dr is conducting the examination, as sure as eggs is eggs, a comment will pass like "bugger me Mr & Mrs F, have you seen the femur bones on this?" or, in a slightly bemused way "you might have a basketball player in family, eh" Eh is the way all Maltese people finish their sentances. Can I have a beer, eh. I don't understand it, eh. Well I really don't.

I did want to post a picture of 'her indoors' in her current state but Maltese technology wasn't available. Will scan and post later. Anyway, 32 weeks and rather large. Must be the thighs!

I'm currently filming and editing things for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings.(CHOGM)

Lots of people from abroad smiling at the Queen
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The Bulls Head is now a Jewellers. 
Sunday, October 30, 2005, 05:20 PM
So, with the news that's Jnr is in good health, what do you do? Go to Oxford Street for a shopping spree, naaa, head towards Brent Cross for Waitrose and John Lewis, naaa. We went to Mellieha Bay for some serious crystal clear. Now I know what those rapper chaps are going on about… As you can see below, the wife looks 'well happy' with her rapidly expanding 'tum' and visit to the beach. Leaving all this behind for a week now as I fly back to London for a few days, face the music at work and get sacked, surely not. The good lady has me running errands a go – go. Boots, Mother Care, Boots again and then somewhere called Daisy & Tom, I think it's like the Pig & Tatter, but different. I wonder if they still have a pool table?

Isabel @ Mellieha Bay Beach, no Champagne.
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Something I made in infini-D v2.01 in 4D 
Saturday, October 29, 2005, 12:01 PM
One of the benefits of being out in Malta is taking advantage of the private medical industry. Obviously, in a Country such as this, medical bills are going to be greatly reduced compared to the UK where a procedure like a 4D scan would be in the hundreds as opposed to 50 quid here. More beer money for daddy, woof!!

Anyway, words fail me. Below is a 4D scan of the unborn. Perhaps with my nose?!

Jnr at 28 weeks and 4 days, but who's counting...
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Saturday, October 22, 2005, 05:14 PM -
I have been trying to adjust. Really I have. The first week was spent altering my time clock from sitting in traffic in Warrick Avenue to sitting in the still warm, crystal clear waters of Golden Bay. Going from £2.50 a pound to 50p a pound for fresh Tuna, farmed just off Comino. Contemplating my finances as I try to fit in work, to fund this 'typical' Mediterranean lifestyle, and come to terms with the 'I don't like work' ethic!!

Our London life arrived in a box, picked up from a warehouse south of the island. I convinced the father-in-law that my Ikea desk was in fact an Airfix kit, but with screws and wooden bits to hold it all together. He of course still believes to this moment they forgot to pack the wings. Also in this batch of cartons are some shelves. Not quite sure on the work around to get these put up, but will try to integrate with the 'missing' wings story. Other vital items with this consignment were the Bugaboo Frog, best left for assembly later,and a summer Parasol for much later as this too requires some minor effort. Finally, two very large boxes of 'stuff' arrived. Quite what I'm going to do with this I don't know as they really are not into car boot sales over here.

An IKEA aeroplane with wings!!

Jnr is now 27 weeks. At a recent scan we were told again jnr has long thigh bones. I think that means a tall baby!? Have also been attending ante-natal classes at St Lukes *(see below) I enjoyed it today as they showed a decent horror film. Lots of panting and people being opened up. I was told to pay attention.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2005, 01:54 PM
After two weeks of cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, sticky brown parcel tape, shipping deals, shipping boxes, Stella in an unhealthy quantity, a rapidly increasing weight problem, it's done.

We finally handed over the keys to 8b Heber road after refusing to throw anything away, and dumping Mrs F with possibly the entire contents of four Oxfam shops. This is my last day in London for a while (see below) and the good ladies last for a while. Talking of the better half, it's now into week 25, and she is a bit like an old wooden ship. Creaking. Groaning. Slowly taking on board the new cargo. 'I donna know if she can take it' I think Scotty once said. How true.

Flight out Wednesday noon! More baggage than, well, a baggage shop, and armed with Waitrose dried mango pieces, just in case there's a craving. BIG respect to Keith and Dave. Would have gone totally insane without you!!

A lady packing... ahem
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