Saturday, December 3, 2005, 06:26 PM
Its Saturday. More to the point, it's past six o'clock and I'm sober. Last night we 'stayed in' This was quite strange for me to 'stay in' on a Friday night and one that merit's an entry. Time slid slowly by, 8, 9, 10 and I started to twitch. I thought that we would go out at twelve but I was instructed to put my spandex pants back in the wardrobe and forget going anywhere. 'It just isn't going to happen', I'm told! Well that was last night. Surely this staying in thing can't happen twice in a row!! I've mentioned going out for dinner and I'll pay. This was taken up quite sharpish. It has yet to be realised that I have a booking for two at 'Southern Fried Chicken' which is coincidently next to a establishment that plays loud music and dispenses a famous Belgian lager. And they said my life would change beyond all recognition, ha.The good lady is now quite large(r). I really feel for her as she lugs an extra 9KG, and counting, around with her. I'm not quite sure she knows which lump to shake at the chicken shop I fear. We will be entering week 34 on Monday. Does the 34 indicate the dress size I wonder?
A Brewery In Belgium, apparently!
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