I have been trying to adjust. Really I have. The first week was spent altering my time clock from sitting in traffic in Warrick Avenue to sitting in the still warm, crystal clear waters of Golden Bay. Going from £2.50 a pound to 50p a pound for fresh Tuna, farmed just off Comino. Contemplating my finances as I try to fit in work, to fund this 'typical' Mediterranean lifestyle, and come to terms with the 'I don't like work' ethic!!
Our London life arrived in a box, picked up from a warehouse south of the island. I convinced the father-in-law that my Ikea desk was in fact an Airfix kit, but with screws and wooden bits to hold it all together. He of course still believes to this moment they forgot to pack the wings. Also in this batch of cartons are some shelves. Not quite sure on the work around to get these put up, but will try to integrate with the 'missing' wings story. Other vital items with this consignment were the Bugaboo Frog, best left for assembly later,and a summer Parasol for much later as this too requires some minor effort. Finally, two very large boxes of 'stuff' arrived. Quite what I'm going to do with this I don't know as they really are not into car boot sales over here.
An IKEA aeroplane with wings!!
Jnr is now 27 weeks. At a recent scan we were told again jnr has long thigh bones. I think that means a tall baby!? Have also been attending ante-natal classes at St Lukes *(see below) I enjoyed it today as they showed a decent horror film. Lots of panting and people being opened up. I was told to pay attention.
Our London life arrived in a box, picked up from a warehouse south of the island. I convinced the father-in-law that my Ikea desk was in fact an Airfix kit, but with screws and wooden bits to hold it all together. He of course still believes to this moment they forgot to pack the wings. Also in this batch of cartons are some shelves. Not quite sure on the work around to get these put up, but will try to integrate with the 'missing' wings story. Other vital items with this consignment were the Bugaboo Frog, best left for assembly later,and a summer Parasol for much later as this too requires some minor effort. Finally, two very large boxes of 'stuff' arrived. Quite what I'm going to do with this I don't know as they really are not into car boot sales over here.
An IKEA aeroplane with wings!!
Jnr is now 27 weeks. At a recent scan we were told again jnr has long thigh bones. I think that means a tall baby!? Have also been attending ante-natal classes at St Lukes *(see below) I enjoyed it today as they showed a decent horror film. Lots of panting and people being opened up. I was told to pay attention.
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