Thursday, December 29, 2005, 12:16 PM
Well it looks like another year is soon to be out the way. What happened?!I have just looked around and find myself not in Cricklewood, unable to visit the Crown and my bank balance drained, squandered on things like maternity pads and pure olive oil (still not sure what this is going to be used for, the wife says it's a surprise!) It all seems to have gone so quick. 'if you don't look around once in a while, you could miss it!' Tsk, how true. I have tried this 'looking around' but still get sand in my eyes so I'll try a different approach next year, one of my new year resolution's, eh.
The wife still complaining of fatigue, baby pressure inside, sweeping movements from within and nothing to wear. I requested a Karrimore catalogue but am unsure as to whether they will have her colour. She is real soldier though and has taken the slight inconvenience of this whole pregnancy situation very well! Top bird!
Talking of birds, Christmas went well. Good to spend time doing not very much for a change, despite doing the vegetables for nine and prepping a turkey (the top bird, em..) a la Gordon Ramsey worked well despite the lacerations to my hands. Thank God for band-aids and blood transfusions. Most exciting present was a wind up torch with 3 LED lights, cool, and a dog that flashes at me. Flashing dogs are normal for Malta, but this one flashes in Colour and to the sound coming out of my speakers. OK just click here for more on idog I also loved the Books, Jumpers and socks and everything else I was so fortunate to get!
Some of the Wife's relatives arrived the other day from Australia, she will now be wanting to run around with them as she rarely see's them. This leaves time for idle hands. Happy blogging.
Mother and unborn taken on the 24th. Relaxed with fantastic warm weather
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