Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 10:54 AM
Referring to previous entry, the little lad can now be seen terrorising the locals on his 'motor' as his mummy likes to call it. This was a kind gift from the out-laws and a fine piece of workmanship from Korea. It is a cat bike, a rocking cat, and a push bike cat (it has a cunningly concealed handle at the back) all in one! TheO loves it and is unlikley to trap his fingers in any of the small vice like components that make up 'Cat Bike' as I like to call it! The good lady has been singing 'I'm the Leader of the Gang' until I reminded her that actually the 'leader' is doing bird in Vietnam and maybe not such a good role model! The bike does however play various tunes in famous electronic format, tinny! None by the Glitter Band! Christmas carols are now TheO's favourite tunes whilst we run his fingers under the cold tap! I get flashbacks of Christmas in Malta, I feel dizzy...Oh, and happy 'Valentines' day!
um, Good King Wenceslas Last looked Out, to see burning rubber?
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