Thursday, February 23, 2006, 01:54 PM
Six weeks have now gone by, in this time TheO has gone through four thousand nappies, 32 packets of baby 'wipes' and four jars of anti nappy rash cream. He has had more fun feeding than daddy has in ages, ahem, and still he sleeps. This is a bit of a lie as he cried a lot yesterday for no reason at all, but I don't count that, or the time last week when he went utterly ballistic because I lost his pacifier. I think he has his mother's knack getting things sorted, quickly.Weather has improved 10 fold, and I was blessed with a visit from the family. Fantastic time had by all, The weather was stunning and even prompted a quick dip in the sea by those braver than I. The outlaws even threw a party for little Theo, with a cake and crisps. Daddy made sure there was more than enough Vino for everybody to get utterly plastered. I wanted to put something in the punch, but alas, the best laid plans…
This weekend sees the Malta Carnival. Apparently they all dress up like goons and try to be funny. This doesn't strike me as out of character for the locals as I find them always like that, but I'll entertain anything, for a while. The good lady has a good chum visiting for the weekend, so I wonder who will be left holding the baby! Praise be for the out-laws, they don't know what a storm awaits.

The Sleeping Storm light, going on ballistic