Friday, October 31, 2008, 12:00 PM
Posted by Administrator
The young mans debut as a spider on Halloween, has not been the only 'scary' thing to have occurred in the last few days. As well as the fairly offhand decision to purchase a house, (somewhat concerning) there is the news that the brood is to expand! TheO is greatly excited that he is to have a younger sibling, as we all are! Just as I'd caught up on my sleep too! It certainly looks as though these adventures go back inside!Posted by Administrator
Having been through the mill once already, I was pleased to imagine, just for a moment, that we have all the necessary equipment, although not in 'hot pink'. Possibly a regrettable oversight if the good ladies prediction is correct. Apparently the Bugaboo is out and the ridiculous Victorian Silvercross is in!
Whatever occurs, TheO has taken to the news very well. I will have to come up with a good story or two regarding Storks and Cabbage Patches or something, but plan to just look surprised when cross-examined! He is however, little distracted from his usual demands of supers, heroes and a bowl of Stars & Moons!

TheO gets to grips with the true meaning of the word 'Scary'