Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 02:55 PM
Posted by Administrator
As in previous years, Summer has demanded a visit to the home counties for a fair share of wind and rain. It's like a kind of reverse holiday, but on this occasion, I have to go to work. TheO has met up with his Aunty & Uncle from Houston who have also craved some bad weather. TheO has also managed to catch up with his Cousin's Sam, Thomas & Lizzie. So far so good, and no major causalities!Posted by Administrator
The little lad has had many 'firsts' already on this visit. Meeting his new cousin Thomas Cole for the first time, his first haircut, plus a visit to the beach in Littlehampton (lots of rain here with possibly a force 9 gale) the young man has had a terrific time in Mum's garden and developed a bit of a thing with Dylan (the Corgi) and the football. He also attended his first music festival with a visit to Guilfest!
Recent developments include calling everyone 'his friends", bobbing his head to Jay Z and being a well behaved & perfect little lad.
TheO & Cousin Sam, just before it kicks off....
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