All Hallowes even... innit 
Friday, October 30, 2009, 09:42 AM
Posted by Administrator
Prompting personal recollections of cold crisp air, fungi and over dressing, it's Halloween. I have decided that it's perhaps not a good idea to tell the first born that this is the night of spooks, witches, vampires etc. He has already been up during the night complaining of a clown in his dreams. Scary those clowns! I blame irresponsible booking at children's parties and The Simpson's!

Pumpkin Boy!

The second heir continues to expand in every direction, approaching the 5 month mark. It's a golden moment when he drops off & sleeps at 7.30pm but the glitter starts to lose a bit of sparkle at 3am, 4.30am and then again at 6am. Picking him up, he just grins and of course, the fact that it's the middle of the night is instantly forgotten. I have noted it down in a book however!

Both boys get on brilliantly and TheO succeeds at making Louyn chuckle. The youngest almost hugging his elder sibling, it's one of those moments! TheO still into GoGo's with an enviable collection that will regularly disperse itself around the residence. The cleaner takes pleasure in finding and arranging the haul of those 'found' many are not so lucky and become a confused child's memory, all except the clown one!

@ the playground, something to smile about eh!

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Maybe long trousers it is then.... 
Friday, October 16, 2009, 10:00 AM
Posted by Administrator
The inevitable & final stages of the good weather cling on, despite the night time rain and occasional thunderstorm. The season of waking up at four in the morning to bring in the washing has started. Rather than clear skies, we have a partly cloudy one with a more bearable temperature. The influx of UK tourists confirm the greener grass, getting their tattoos sunburnt and missing the cooler weather back home!

Insisting on making the most of the diminishing season and warm waters, the good lady has insisted on visiting deserted beaches to catch the last throes of warm(ish) water and the space to swing a cat. The water is beautifully clean and clear with no trace of a factor 400 slick!

Louyn 'bears' the mild temperature out of the H20, different story in it...

The little (big) lad has started back at school. He was a little unsure where he was to start with, but has settled in with a new group of friends to traumatise! Oh, and his teachers are really, really fantastic!! The good lady appreciates the time released from visiting playgrounds and has now applied herself to her work, earning!! TheO still into GoGo's and now demanding 'treats'! Even in the middle of the night, he'll wake & say 'Daddy, go and buy me a Gormiti' Ok, I just nip off to the shops after I've brought the washing in then. mmmm!

Another year, another uniform picture!
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Rains a Go Go! 
Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 11:04 AM
Posted by Administrator
Last week the sun was shining and the world was good. With the arrival of visitors, it seemed only appropriate that the wet and windy weather should arrive to contradict the claims of fine sunshine and a dip in the sea!

The latest addition seems to be proving be a contender for the Guinness Book of Records by growing at a phenomenal rate. He fits suits built for a baby twice his age and smiles about it continually, which is fantastic. The good lady is convinced that he must be 'on' something or working out at the gym!

World record for grining

TheO has a new best friend. It lasted about a couple of hours before Reecey took flight, the evening one back to Libya. Alas only on holiday with his parents, the brief alliance gave TheO a brief, but thorough introduction to Go Go Crazy Bones, small pieces of collectable plastic that hurts a lot underfoot! The first born has now nurtured a collection of his own which accompany him everywhere, including bed.

A favourite!

Hopefully the good weather will return, with only memories of green leafy walks and gardens in bloom to remind us of the good times. TheO's viewing remains Network based, but now with the ability to recall past films, only talking of their content rather than any title. 'I want to see the one with the lady and the buttons who find the other lady and a cat' That will be Coraline then! Louyn too good for words. Sleeping, drinking and growing, fast!

On your marks, get set....go, go...
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St Pauls Rock! 
Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 10:13 AM
Posted by Administrator
It would seem that children, from time to time, can get unwell. Just some malady that causes them to refuse summer school and demand a day at home or watching TV with the outlaws! Somehow, TheO has managed to acquire a thorough and complex knowledge of human anatomy and consequently now complains of a sore ear, sore throat and a hacking cough. Likely story! The good lady however informs me that such ailments are common with small infants! I can't help thinking that this may be related to a new electric guitar and unexplained 'sleepovers'....

Alternating directness

The latest addition continues to grow. And I mean grow!! At 11 weeks he is already as heavy as his elder sibling @ 6 months and snugly fits the dungarees that TheO found baggy. He sleeps through the night and whilst he has now found his voice, it's rarely used in anger!

As the summer winds down, the rest of the year gears up. The builders at the new house have informed me they can do no more! This is excellent news of course as they managed to use up all the money. It just remains to sweep up all the dust, paint the walls and get a staircase.

A quick beach BBQ
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Just sit still & look at me! 
Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 01:42 PM
Posted by Administrator
The trouble with keeping an account of life with the recently expanded family is getting a good photograph. Louyn being so small just throws up as your pressing the shutter else TheO finds the right moment to go cross eyed. So that's my excuse for the lack of recent posts. (These action shots will be posted at a critical time of the offspring's development, thus maximising my revenge!) I should be used to such antics from small children, if it proves difficult to achieve, I'll just resort to amusing digital comps!

Little Louyn continues to completely oppose his older brother in many ways. He sleeps well, eats well and complains rarely. He bears a striking resemblance to his mother, a fact I'm reminded of on a daily basis by the outlaws. I thinks it's just they have been a little fraught that the older son has little in common with their genetic fingerprint, so to speak. "Don't worry, lightening can't strike twice..."

TheO has coped very well with the change in family life. The loud and constant screaming only lasted a few days and we have managed to find almost all the knives. DHL have also been advised that there are NO pick ups from our address. Louyn now at 6KG and 2 Months today! TheO mastering swimming underwater without armbands and impersonating Chowder!

Close, but no cigar!
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Thursday, July 9, 2009, 02:52 PM
Posted by Administrator
Secretly, I was quite concerned. The last few weeks of the good ladies pregnancy for me, was similar to a condemned mans final struggle for acquittal, convinced that the foreseeable future held nothing but sleep depravation, an inability to control the beer 'green light' and a severe case of cabin fever. That was TheO. But this is Louyn!

In total contrast to his older sibling, this young man sleeps, waking only for a few hours in the morning and the afternoon to ensure we do not confuse him with a stuffed Dinosaur (as if) and almost all night! Gone has that annoying pain in my solar plexus at some unreasonable time of the night.

As thoroughly irresponsible parents, we have even acquainted the latest edition with a visit to England, his Grandma and a good traditional wedding in a country house, well spiffing! Now back on the dusty rock re-stressing about houses, finishings and keeping control of the first born who is hellbent on demanding that attention be returned to full service 'right now' He does however kiss his little brother goodnight, and regularly thanks us for making him a little brother. Anytime I tell him, anytime. Now where is that chemist!


Mk2 @ 4 weeks
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