Back in the sunshine!! 
Wednesday, March 28, 2007, 09:21 PM
Back from a brief spell in the cold. Yet another great opportunity for the good lady to visit Oxford Street on what I am told is a necessary part of TheO's education, but I am sure we did Hamley's last time!! Anyway, the little lad had time to visit London Zoo and also go walking in the Peak District. His ramblling was not up to much however, and the young man had to be carried most of the way. 'Good old dad' still echoes in my ears! Can someone please recommend a Chiro!

One day Son, all of this will be yours, to walk up as much as you like!!

TheO is developing leaps & bounds. It is amazing to watch how quick he can pick something up. The outlaws have acquired a small desk for him to sit at and draw with a Crayon. He has however been spotted walking away from one of OUR walls with his felt tip pens!! He denies it all!!

Done one Starry Night, but we know who did it really…

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Tale from the track side... 
Sunday, March 11, 2007, 06:53 PM
We have put TheO into training so he may someday compete in the Malta Marathon. The event involves running round the island about twenty times & with the legs that this little lad will have, according to the doctors, he will win it hands down. Besides, the Maltese are all really short anyway!

Packing bags for a trip back home with the family. Will be good to get back again, the good lady can't wait and I fear for the high street shops. Junior is looking forward to meeting up with his cousins, aunts & uncles.. baby sitter heaven!

In true b3ta style...
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The First Steps 
Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 06:21 PM
It appears that bubble wrap is no longer sufficient to protect the off-spring. I have been coerced into spending a small fortune on pieces of plastic that stop cupboard's and draws being opened by small and inquisitive hands! This was rushed through after watching the little lad stand up, open the pantry cupboard, and remove a bottle of MY Heinz ketchup. I dread to think of any potential outcome. What if it had been sausages for dinner?!?

With this and some added trepidation, TheO has taken his first few steps. He was at the out-laws when this happened first, but I fear that this claim is just grandparent rivalry. Apparently, not only were they witness to the first few steps, but also the first drawing, oil painting, sonatta, sonnet and experimental time travel....

So, back in his own home, we watch and applaud as junior stumbles his initial first steps like a man who has had too much Vodka. His crash down onto the tiled floor I fear will initiate another first, that of his first visit to casualty. More bubble wrap please!!

TheO's travel's have started to concern me...
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I think we have a weight issue... 
Monday, February 19, 2007, 08:31 PM
Carnival has arrived again and TheO has blended in with the locals. I can see right through him...

The little lad has weight issues, he won't wait for anything!!
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This Cat thing has to stop! 
Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 10:54 AM
Referring to previous entry, the little lad can now be seen terrorising the locals on his 'motor' as his mummy likes to call it. This was a kind gift from the out-laws and a fine piece of workmanship from Korea. It is a cat bike, a rocking cat, and a push bike cat (it has a cunningly concealed handle at the back) all in one! TheO loves it and is unlikley to trap his fingers in any of the small vice like components that make up 'Cat Bike' as I like to call it! The good lady has been singing 'I'm the Leader of the Gang' until I reminded her that actually the 'leader' is doing bird in Vietnam and maybe not such a good role model! The bike does however play various tunes in famous electronic format, tinny! None by the Glitter Band! Christmas carols are now TheO's favourite tunes whilst we run his fingers under the cold tap! I get flashbacks of Christmas in Malta, I feel dizzy...

Oh, and happy 'Valentines' day!

um, Good King Wenceslas Last looked Out, to see burning rubber?
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and for 'Best in Class"... 
Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 11:02 AM
Have just returned after two 'solo' weeks back in London, and returned to a bigger more "standing up on his own" infant! He IS able to walk, as long as he is holding on to something, but think TheO is just happy to keep us all waiting. Bored and looking for something to do on a Sunday, we took the little lad to a Cat Show, well, that's what all the signs said....

TheO demands the return of his Pajamas !!

... we arrived to find about 25 Persian fluff balls being judged on, well, how fluffy they were. I felt like a convention crasher, entering the the strange world of 'feline fanciers'. Cages were decorated with pink lace drapes and one even had a mini sofa. All this and TheO's attempts at walking reminded me of that giant cat, crashing through the London cityscape, crushing the Post Office Tower!! I think their may be some similarities here...

One of Theo's role models, just needs to grow his hair a little bit longer...
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