And then there were three... 
Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 02:17 PM -
I will add the nitty gritty in a bit. Need some sleep, as would be expected. Please say a big hello to Theo(dore) Joesph Fereday, Born in water at St James Hospital in Zabbar, Malta in the early hours of Monday morning. He weighed in at 7.5lb with a height of 51cm. Will write a more in-depth entry later. Looks like these adventures will now be on the outside!!

Theo(dore) Joesph Fereday no nose jokes please!!

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Move dates: 
Tuesday, September 20, 2005, 12:09 PM -
Dates for moving are as follows:

Empty flat: 1st October 2005

Stay with Mrs Fereday: 1st - 5th October 2005

British Airways get us out of here: 5th October 2005

Back for a bit more: 31st October 2005 - 7th November 2005

Back 9th December 2005 - December 14th 2005

Next planned return 29th April 2006 +1

more later
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