I think we have a weight issue... 
Monday, February 19, 2007, 08:31 PM
Carnival has arrived again and TheO has blended in with the locals. I can see right through him...

The little lad has weight issues, he won't wait for anything!!
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This Cat thing has to stop! 
Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 10:54 AM
Referring to previous entry, the little lad can now be seen terrorising the locals on his 'motor' as his mummy likes to call it. This was a kind gift from the out-laws and a fine piece of workmanship from Korea. It is a cat bike, a rocking cat, and a push bike cat (it has a cunningly concealed handle at the back) all in one! TheO loves it and is unlikley to trap his fingers in any of the small vice like components that make up 'Cat Bike' as I like to call it! The good lady has been singing 'I'm the Leader of the Gang' until I reminded her that actually the 'leader' is doing bird in Vietnam and maybe not such a good role model! The bike does however play various tunes in famous electronic format, tinny! None by the Glitter Band! Christmas carols are now TheO's favourite tunes whilst we run his fingers under the cold tap! I get flashbacks of Christmas in Malta, I feel dizzy...

Oh, and happy 'Valentines' day!

um, Good King Wenceslas Last looked Out, to see burning rubber?
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and for 'Best in Class"... 
Tuesday, February 6, 2007, 11:02 AM
Have just returned after two 'solo' weeks back in London, and returned to a bigger more "standing up on his own" infant! He IS able to walk, as long as he is holding on to something, but think TheO is just happy to keep us all waiting. Bored and looking for something to do on a Sunday, we took the little lad to a Cat Show, well, that's what all the signs said....

TheO demands the return of his Pajamas !!

... we arrived to find about 25 Persian fluff balls being judged on, well, how fluffy they were. I felt like a convention crasher, entering the the strange world of 'feline fanciers'. Cages were decorated with pink lace drapes and one even had a mini sofa. All this and TheO's attempts at walking reminded me of that giant cat, crashing through the London cityscape, crushing the Post Office Tower!! I think their may be some similarities here...

One of Theo's role models, just needs to grow his hair a little bit longer...
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The Birthday Party Picture No2 
Saturday, January 13, 2007, 05:25 PM

Much to grin about @ one, wait till you get the bill!
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and 365 days later, we have this... 
Tuesday, January 9, 2007, 05:55 PM
The United Nations have spent the last few days looking all over Malta. They appear to be acting on rumours circulated by some English person that there is a germ breeding plant close to St Paul's Bay. I have confirmation that it is the 'Dolly's & Teddies' Kindergarten that TheO attends. They have been breeding WMI's (weapons of mass influenza) and testing it on TheO. First time back, we are faced with a streaming nose and relentless cough. It's well worth the money we pay them. I guess they just don't test on Rabbits as it's the national dish, so they use babies instead.

It was the young mans birthday but this did little to stop the flood of mucus! We took him to a 'soft play area', which had more balls than the 'millennium diamond robbers'! He didn't know which way to fall. It could have been any direction, it would still have been padded, however they didn't conceive padding my plastic coffee cup. Fortunately it had gone cold, but that Non Bio stuff just doesn't cut the mustard!

The padded cell comes next....

The good lady has a few relatives over, infact, the very same Australian contingent that were here this time last year. We did explain that we would not be able to perform the same tricks as last time and I think they believed us. Still, one year on, so much to reflect on and still the boy laughs. Happy Birthday little man! Maltese tradition dictates that on the first birthday the parents perform a small ceremony called Il-Quccija, I suggest you look up the link for an explanation! He of course chose the wooden spoon indicating that he will be a rich, highly successful, with many friends the world over, and buy his dad a villa in Tuscany!

He does like a nice bit of cake, even on his birthday!

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Please turn it off, it's annoying me, please.... 
Friday, January 5, 2007, 11:12 AM
That was quick. Despite Christmas apparently being a period for joy, rest and catching up with friends and family, we are now back in Malta after a ten day blur. This was not drink related. It was TheO's first Christmas, and one in England. The run up to Christmas had seen the little man staring at flashing lights which are all over Malta, humming along to 'tinny' electronic renditions of 'Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer' and enjoying all the 'Kitsch' Christmas stuff available. Thankfully we had flights to escape to England!

The good lady managed to get a few days in shopping, but the real joy was for TheO to meet up with his Grandma, Cousins, Aunties, Uncles and even a Great Aunty. However this basically meant small children running around madly, E'd up to the nines (Food 'E' numbers I'm talking about!) Christmas Day was an education in the ritual of present opening, children first! If you can, detach yourself and just sit back and watch their little faces. Bonkers!

Back in Malta for New Year. Where was Elvis? Very sedate this year, we did make it out, and the little lad even woke up to to moan the new year in! His first Birthday is now only few days away (9/1/06) and the good lady is planning a surprise party. Tea and cakes all round!

The Good Lady & TheO, neither apparently 'off their rocker'
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